In Conclusion...

1. The ranking of best states for education can vary widely. Part of that is due to the fact that there's also a variety of methods to try to calculate the best in education, another reason is that it's difficult to compare schools when they all teach different things. Regardless, it just shows that the US is inconsistent when evaluating schools. If school rankings have this many discrepancies, shouldn't that be a red flag that education isn't being delivered consistently around the US.

2. Many Americans move each year. If you look at the beginning of the US to now, people are moving more than ever. It would be logical to make sure schools have the same requirements everywhere.

3. A fair amount of high school graduates aren't prepared for college. Isn't one of the functions of high school to prepare students for college? If education requirements were standardized, less time would be wasted trying to calculate how well schools are doing and more time could be spent improving them.

Some Things to Think About...

Education is a very broad and controversial subject. There's a lot of points to discuss, and they all intertwine deeply. Sometimes it can get confusing keeping track of all the various components and whether or not they're really effective. Here are just some questions related to my topic-

1. Are there different kinds of learners? Should teachers be able to know how to teach to each type? Should requirements be adjust based off of what kind of learner a student is? Is that fair?

2. Is high-stakes testing necessary? Is it accurate? Should colleges place more or less importance on these scores?

3. What is intelligence? Are there multiple kinds of intelligence? How do you measure for each kind? Which kinds of intelligence matter? Why do we place so much importance on them?

4. Should classes be solely pass/fail? Is that fair? Are letter grades fair? Does education have to be fair?

5. Is the letter grade system consistent? Does it vary from teacher to teacher?

6. What should be taught in US schools? How do you determine what information is useful and what information isn't? Should we compare ourselves to other countries and the ways they teach?

7. How can schools account for creativity? Is creativity useful? How useful? How can you define creativity? Should colleges place more importance on creativity?

Facts About Education #3

1. As of 2013, less than 1/3 of all high school graduates were ready for entry-level college classes in the four core areas: English, math, science, and reading.

2. Of the 1.8 million high school students who took the ACT that year, only 26% reached the college readiness benchmarks in all four subjects.

3. 27% reached the benchmarks in two or three of the subjects.

4. 16% reached the benchmark for only one of the four core areas.

5. This means that roughly 30% of the students who took the ACT in 2013 didn't meet any of the college readiness benchmarks.

6. Minnesota and Wisconsin were the best in at reaching the benchmarks, while Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina performed the worst.

Facts About Education #2

1. Twenty percent of all first-time undergraduates take at least one remedial course. (2011)
2.  Nationwide the number of high school graduates is expected to grow 10 percent in the next 10 years.

Facts About Education #1

1. High schools are not preparing students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel after graduation. Only 1 in 4 high school students graduate college-ready in the 4 core subjects of English, reading, math and science.

2. Roughly half of the students who enter a 4-year school will receive a bachelor’s degree within 6 years.

3. Approximately 6 million students, grades 7 through 12, are struggling to read at grade-level. Among the highest, 70% of 8th graders read below the standard. 

4. 1.3 million high school students don't graduate on time yearly. States with highest rates (80-89%) are Wisconsin, Iowa, Vermont, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. States with lowest (less than 60%) are Nevada, New Mexico, Louisiana, Georgia and S. Carolina.

*Graduation rates don't necessarily mean a school is good. Massachusetts is commonly ranked as one of the best states for education standards, but they're not among the states with the highest graduation rates. Wisconsin might have much lower standards. In theory, a student from a state with low education standards and a state with high education standards could be accepted to the same college. Colleges will view both as equally prepared, while one of the students is actually farther behind than the other, unaware that the label "high school graduate" doesn't mean the same thing in each state.

Statisitics on Moving 2013

According the US Census Bureau, over 7.2 million Americans moved to different states last year. The last estimate of the population determined the US has over 312.4 million people. This means that around 1 in 50 Americans moved.

Washington Post 2014 Best States for Education

Here's a link to another website with a yet a different ranking of the best and worst states in education. The top three are Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Vermont (in that order).

Wallethub 2014 Best States for Education

Here's an additional report on the best education state wide. These rankings were determined by a team of several experts using metrics like "pupil to teacher ratio" and "reading scores" among other things. To see the original report, click here. According to this site, the top three sates for a high school education are New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Vermont- different from US News Education's findings.

Top Ranking States

Overall Rank
School System Quality Rank
Education Output & Safety Rank
1New Jersey12
4New Hampshire415
20New York277
24South Dakota2518
26North Dakota1847
31Rhode Island3129
37North Carolina3817
42South Carolina4428
45West Virginia4526
46New Mexico4610
51District of Columbia5031